First off i would like to say that the Bean Head Hater was spot on with his opinions on that article.
No human male should be employed (especially for espn) after writing such a contradictory report on on future MLB stars. I won't even touch that article since its already been analyzed and absolutely slayed by my mans and them. In closing .... Mr. Neyer .... you should be fired.
Onward to other matters. Lets discuss more baseball shall we? Yeah we shall.
I'm a Mets fan. A serious one. A good portion of my life goes into watching ballgames on pretty much a nightly basis. We got Johan but yet i still find myself down in the dumps for the upcoming season.
I'll give you two big reasons:
Ryan Church
Brian Schneider
Yeah are you kidding me with these two jokers? We all know the Mets are trying there hardest to spend as much money as the Yankees and Sox so why do we have a .230 hitter behind the dish and a platoon caliber RF (yeah yeah he hits doubles.)
Well in what i see as the *3rd worst deal in mets history (bold statement i know) we traded future superstar Lastings Milledge to the Nats for these no talent assclowns.
I know the mets are in a "win now" situation and these dudes may be able to bring leadership qualities to a team that obviously didn't have that in the final month of last season but why must we give up a future 30/30 stick to accomplish something that we have no guarantee of accomplishing.
"But Sports Don you should be happy you got Santana right?"
Not so much. My love for the tools Carlos Gomez has will never go away. Sure he is Raw, but for you fantasy players out there in deep leagues who have Gomez you can pencil in 50 swipes even if he bats .240 (which could be possible).
In closing i finish with this....
The mets should of kept the future in tact while also slightly strengthening what i thought (probably the only person alive) to be a strong staff with just the return of Pedro. Why not sign Mark Prior in the off season for a Bucket of balls and roll the dice? I mean we didn't blow it last year cause of our pitching.
We blew it because Reyes was more concerned about who's ass he was gonna kick then getting on base and the rest of the team forgot to hit too.
But if you recall the only man with a fire in his eyes pumping up the crowd and making plays was....
Yup Lastings Milledge.
Feel Free to Disagree.
*other deals i consider worse are the mets trading Nolan Ryan for Jim Fregosi.
and Scott Kazmir for Victor Zambrano. Bernies?
15 years ago
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