You've had a great career. You don't want to stop playing. Fine! Just stop telling people you are retired. All you have to do is say I am taking this year to year and will reevaluate after each season. This selfish I'm retired until summer crap is getting old, only ESPN even cares anymore.
All week on ESPN is Brett Favre rumors; he's playing, he's not playing, he just went to the bathroom. No one cares, really ESPN, your own sportscasters are faking the enthusiasm while they read these tired, rehashed stories.
At this point I don't even know who to blame for this overblown Favre coverage. Is it driven by Brett Favre's huge ego? Driven by ESPN's man crush that they can't let go? Or is it by these teams that keep going after Favre, even though he doesn't want to participate in camps or be a real teammate other than picking some receiver up in the end zone to make sure people know he's playing for fun? If I had to guess I'd say it's Favre's inability to think about anyone but himself and ESPN's bromance for the old gunslinger.
Listen, Favre is a great quarterback, I'm just tired of hearing about him. What do you guys think? Bernies?
15 years ago
JP i couldn't agree more. I want to hear about brett favre even less then i want to hear about alex rodriguez, tiger woods, lebron james and mike vick.
thanks espn for turning into the mtv of sports
I get that Bret Farve is a legend but this whole debacle disgusts me. Brett Farve, you are 207 years old, not only would I like you to go away I would like you and ESPN to shut-up about it.
Thanks J.P., now I'm all riled up first this in the morning. This should be a great day.
Holy moley, I've actually heard of this one!
Do I get a cookie?
In response to JP i just want to say that Brett Favre couldn't shine Trent Edwards shoes. He is nothing more than a glorified Rob Johnson these days and yeah I just went there. All we have to hear about is this bum.
Now we mind out that Manny is doing womens hormones. Oh no he wasn't on steroids. He just was using them for? Another drug user. I just wish David Wright would start using them so he wasn't such a bum these days. Maybe he can use for a year or two and do what Barry did and use Clomid (baby drug) to get rid of them from your body or at least try.
This is why baseball sucks and football is the best sport in the world.
In response to Matt.....fuck football.
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